Saturday, March 26, 2011

Great Blue Heron - Spring 2011

 First Great Blue Heron pics for Spring 2011 Greensprings Trail wetlands pond, Williamsburg
On at least three occassions lately I have spotted a very elusive Great Blue Heron on the wetlands.  This is not the same bird seen in earlier pictures during the winter.  Finally on Saturday morning I watched as she flew off as I approached the overview area.  Thinking this was the fourth missed opportunity for a photo, I watched the "Great Goose Battle" over the wetlands while two pair of geese faught back and forth over area or women. Not sure which.  A beautiful carninal flew close by.  I also watched an Osprey from the nesting pair fly by an old dead tree, rip the dead branches off the tree and then fly back to its next to rebuild and reinforce the next.  Eventually on this crisp and cool morning, I was able to spot the Heron about half the way into the wetlands.
Great Blue Heron in middle portion of Greensprings Wetlands pond Spring 2011

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